Eliminate Air Pollution with Ozone Shock Treatment
Indoor air pollution is a common problem in businesses, homes or industrial premises. Mould, fungus and other sources of air contamination can trigger allergies, asthma, bacterial or viral infections – or just smell bad. Airzone Ozone Shock Treatment improves air quality by generating the ozone necessary to eliminate microorganisms, unpleasant smells, and residual smoke odors from fires. After doing its job, ozone quickly turns back into oxygen.
Ozone Contains 3 Atoms of Oxygen
Ozone, sometimes called ‘activated oxygen’, contains 3 atoms of oxygen rather than the normal 2. Oxygen in this form is a powerful sterilizer that can destroy bacteria, viruses and odors on contact. Ozone is often created in nature, usually as a result of lightning strikes. Our machines produce ozone by passing dried, oxygen-containing gas through an electrical field that causes the oxygen molecules to ‘split’.
Neutralizes Organic Odours
Ozone will neutralize virtually all organic odors, specifically those containing carbon as their base element – the extra oxygen atom destroys the contaminant by oxidation.
Mould and Mildew Elimination
Ozone will destroy bacteria and fungus as well as eliminating pet smells and cooking odours. Smoke odour molecules that infiltrate porous surfaces can be permanently removed and ozone will work on the most stubborn odor molecules, such as protein. Odours associated with decay – like freezer failure – do not respond well to normal chemical deodorising attempts, but ozone can neutralize even these contaminants. After treatment, ozone quickly turns back into oxygen so that no harmful by-products remain.
An Airzone ozone shock treatment procedure eliminates odours and contamination from the air and surfaces within a confined area where the treatment is deployed. Then with regular and ongoing applications, it can provide continuous control over recurring contamination.
While performing a shock treatment, make sure that all people, pets, plants and other animals are not in the area to be treated.
Sick House Syndrome describes homes with poor living environments, even to the point that the environment becomes hazardous. People who suffer from sick house syndrome complain of symptoms including itching, dizziness, headaches, and skin ailments, but reactions to particul
Sick Building Syndrome
ar substances vary considerably among individuals.
There are several causes that contribute to Sick Building Syndrome. The basic problem is poor air quality typically caused by too little ventilation. New and recently built houses are so well insulated and sealed to increase energy efficiency that little fresh air can enter them. This lack of fresh air causes pollutants in the house to build to unhealthy levels. Most homes are 3 to 5 times more polluted than outside air. These pollutants are chemicals that enter the air from chemical cleaners, and other Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that are emitted from sources such as carpets, pressed wood and other synthetic materials. VOCs are often associated with a new smell, as new items such as cupboards, carpets, and paints emit these compounds.
Another cause of Sick Building Syndrome results from the increased levels of moisture in newer, tightly sealed homes. Older homes can also have moisture problems contributing to Sick House Syndrome. Increased moisture results can result in molds flourishing in the home as well as dust mites which thrive in humid environments. Both these elements may cause health problems.
Airzone Ozone Shock Treatment is effective in killing surface molds and dust mites. Ozone is also effective at breaking down the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that contribute to Sick House Syndrome. Airzone Ozone Shock Treatments are particularly effective for new homes, or recently remodeled homes that have new carpets, paints and other structures giving off VOCs.