
Biozone Manufacturing

Ozone use in a pub with cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke trials after ozone




Ozone Generator

The generator installed by Ozone Services was operated under the following specification.

The ozone generator used was an Airzone Port O Go Maxi, which provides 1000 mg ozone per


This unit was

incorporated into a ducte

d system whereby clean air was draw

n with an in


fan form the outside through a filter, through the generator, split into 5 ducts and channelled

through louvers into 5 different strategic positions with the pub. A remote digi

tal controller was

installed within easy reach of management and ozone output adjusted according to the level of

contamination manually.

Normally, a level of between 0.04 ppm and 0.1 ppm. which are the recommended levels, would

be achieved. Output was lim

ited during occupied hours and flooded when unoccupied using a

timer type system.


Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)

ETS, a significant indoor air pollutant with serious healthy effects, is composed of a large variety of

contaminants. When a cigarette is

smoked, approximately one

half or more of the smoke

generated is sidestream smoke emitted from the smouldering cigarettes. The principal contributor

to ETS is “sidestream smoke”. Other components of ETS include exhaled mainstream smoke and

compounds dif

fused through the wrapper. “Mainstream smoke” is the complex mixture that exists

from the mouthpiece of a burning cigarette when a puff is inhaled by the smoker. The chemical

composition of mainstream smoke has been more extensively characterized than th

at of sidestream

smoke, but they are produced by the same fundamental process, such that many chemical

constituents are present in both. Over 4,000 individual constituents have been identified in

mainstream smoke, and approximately 400 compounds have been

measured quantitatively in both

mainstream and sidestream smoke.

Health effects linked with ETS include eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches and lung

cancer. For children it may lead to an increased risk of lower respiratory tract infections (e.g.

bronchitis and pneumonia), ear infections, build

up of fluid in the ear, increased severity and

frequency of asthma episodes and decreased lung function (US EPA 1996).

High exposure to ETS can be expected in public buildings where smoking is prevalent,


owever, effects can be experienced anywhere tobacco is smoked. The most commonly used

measure of ETS is re

spirable suspended particulates



for the

purpose of this stage of the assessment RSP were used as a

surrogate measurement the effec

tiveness and efficiency of the control measures

installed (ozone generator), although other measures were conducted to back


these measurements (formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds).

Measurements of RSP in buildings with smokers have been found

to be 150

430 ug/m


(micrograms). Poor ventilation exacerbates the situation and therefore an increase in fresh air

intake in building were smoking is allowed would reduce concentrations of ETS.

The US EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standards, have b

een employed during the course

of this assessment. The PM10 (Particulate Matter less than 10 micron in diameter) Standard


for a 24

hour period is set as 150 ug/m


. The South African Standard set by the Department

of Environmental Affairs and Tourism is 1

80 ug/m.

All speciated substances measured have been compared to The US EPA National Ambient

Air Quality Standards.



Ozone is an irritant and affects mucous membranes, lung tissue and lung functions. At

levels above 100 parts per billion, sensitiv

e individuals, particularly during exercise, can

experience impaired lung function accompanied by respiratory symptoms. Ozone is

not a

carcinogen (a cancer forming substance).

The US EPA National Ambient Air Quality Standard for ozone is 80 ppb.



aluation of Results


Respirable Suspended Particulates: As can be seen from the results there was a

marked decrease in RSP once the ozone generator had been installed (Table 1)


There was a decrease in total volatile organic

compounds (Table 4) and in

formaldehyde (Table 3).


Obviously there was an increase in ozone concentration (Table 2) once the ozone

generator had been installed. However, the US EPA National Air Quality Standards


were not exceeded at any o

f the Sampling Locations.