Biozone Manufacturing

Ozone in Distribution Centers | Biozone Manufacturing

The Power of Ozone in Distribution Centers

Cold Room storage facilities dosed with ozone in transit between the grower and on the shelves will prevent bacteria and mould growth.

The old saying, “One bad apple spoils the bunch“, is very relevant when storing or transporting fresh vegetables or fruit.

Maintaining the freshness and quality of perishable goods is paramount in the dynamic world of distribution centres. One revolutionary solution that has been making waves is the use of ozone  distribution centres.

Fresh Produce

Fresh Produce

Since the early 2000s, the Shoprite/ Freshmark Group in South Africa has been using ozone gas supplied by Biozone Manufacturing to introduce ozone gas into the cold rooms, which house the fresh produce in transit, to enhance the quality of the product and extend the shelf life. 

By harnessing the power of ozone, Biozone’s solution eliminates harmful pathogens, bacteria, and odours in cold rooms. This breakthrough technology not only improved the overall hygiene of the facility but also minimised the risk of cross-contamination, thus safeguarding the integrity of the fresh produce.

Applying ozone gas at set doses to fresh fruit and vegetables in Distribution Centres, transit or storage will extend shelf life by as much as one week.

Our ozone solutions have been implemented in various areas across South Africa, including Cilmor Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Polokwane, Centurion, and more.

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Fresh Produce 2

Ozone in Fresh food preparation

Benefit by applying ozone gas in cold rooms or refrigerators.

      • Ozone gas treatment can be termed “organic”, unlike chemical treatment such as chlorine dioxide or formaldehyde which, if used in food preparation, precludes the product from being labelled “ organically grown and prepared.” 

      • Ozone is introduced to cold rooms for fungus, mould, bacteria & ethylene control to extend the shelf life of fresh food in transit or storage. 

      • Ozone dramatically reduces the potential for spreading germs from handling foods such as meats, fish, fruits and vegetables.

      • Bacteria, moulds and yeast microorganisms can grow in refrigerators and cause spoilage and decrease shelf-life.

      • Organic or bacterial “slime” grows on produce and refrigerator coils, pans, and drain lines that block or restrict flow, causing cross-contamination with the other foods in the refrigerator.

      • Ozone will eliminate ethylene. The presence of ethylene from higher plants, including the leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits, tubers, and seeds, will hasten ripening.

    Plant reactions to ethylene include stimulation of the ageing process in leaves & flowers, the shedding of leaves & flowers, the ripening of fruit and a climacteric rise in respiration in some fruit which causes a release of additional ethylene.

        • Ozone also neutralises Linuron carried over from herbicides.

      Commonly Linuron herbicide used for weed control in vegetable plantations can result in the residual linuron remaining on the plant, such as the lower stem of baby carrots. The presence of linuron will condemn the whole container when arriving at the final destination. Dosing ozone in the cold room will eliminate the presence of linuron.

          • Cockroaches and other insect growth will not happen in the presence of ozone.

          • Mould control, especially in cheese ripening or sausage curing, is challenging to achieve with the high condensation levels in the storage room. Ozone gas will prevent mould growth on all surface areas exposed to the gas. 

          • The proliferation of Salmonella, especially in grain storage, can be curtailed with the judicious use of ozone gas introduced into the bins or onto conveyor belts or augers.

          • The same thing applies to fungus growth, where the introduction of ozone will provide for a fungus-free environment.

          • Smells escaping, e.g. tannery

          • Covid. At the height of the Covid crisis, four instances of infection in New Zealand occurred, apparently due to pockets of the Covid virus identified on the surface of packaged meat. These had remained on the product under cool conditions after an initial infection at the food preparation stage.

          • Commonly ozone gas is used in shipping containers as part of a controlled environment where carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity monitors are crucial to ensure a safe and stable environment for fresh fruit and vegetables.

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        Fresh Produce 1

        The use Power of ozone in distribution centres has revolutionised how fresh produce is handled and preserved.  Freshmark/Shoprite Management have recognised that in the interest of the retail outlets and in the eyes of their customers, fresh and clean vegetables are vital to customer loyalty and, therefore, viability in the very competitive “ fresh food industry”.

        Biozone Manufacturing South Africa, in partnership with Freshmark Shoprite, has showcased the power of ozone in maintaining freshness, enhancing quality, and extending the shelf life of perishable goods. With the successful implementation of cold storage air purification solutions throughout the country, Biozone Manufacturing has solidified its position as an industry leader in cold room purification. As distribution centres strive to optimise their operations, ozone technology emerges as a game-changer in ensuring the delivery of fresh and high-quality produce to consumers.