Noxious airborne chemicals and surface bacteria cause unpleasant and harmful odours. Ozone not only deodorises washrooms effectively but also kills the germs than can lurk on surfaces such as taps and toilets.
Ozone is a highly reactive gas that is produced when oxygen interacts with either electricity or UV light. Due to ozone being a highly unstable molecule, it will react very easily when it comes into contact with an oxidisable substance. Unused ozone reverts back to oxygen leaving no residue. Ozone being gaseous can penetrate even into the most inaccessible places.
Tests were undertaken by Ozone Solutions to determine the extent of the sanitising as well as deodorising properties of a 100-mg/hr ozone generator.
Experiment Introduction
The 200 mg/hr generator was hardwired into the washroom. The levels of ozone were approximately 0.1 ppm, measured using ta ozonei monitor. For the course of the experiment, normal cleaning was suspended.
Prior to ozone treatment, four areas of the gents’ toilets were examined using contact plates for the enumeration of bacteria. The ozone generator was switched on and 16 hours later, further samples were taken.
Sample Total Counts Prior to ozone Total Counts after Ozone
1. Floor under ozone generator >300 300
2. Floor under urinal >300 170
3. Toilet seat surface >300 75
4. Wall above urinal >91 2
The bacteria counts were reduced dramatically, proving that ozone not only deodorises but assists in killing potentially harmful bacteria. Ozone should be used in conjunction with normal cleaning procedures to enhance the disinfection process. However, it will reduce the need for sanitisers and being a gas, it can reach even the inaccessible areas frequently missed by other cleaning techniques. The generator is economical to run, it requires no chemical consumables and maintenance is minimal